Sunday, November 30, 2008

Negativity and the News

Why is it that the news media are such vultures for negative information? It's like they 'thrive' off of it. They seem to get more excited when talking about bad things going on (economy in the toilet with Bush scratching his head about how to use the plunger, the bombing/attack in Mumbai). Oh wow, don't they just love discussing the body counts, and making things seem like the whole area is about to burn down. What ever happened to them getting all excited about the good news? Sure, they'll have a good report or two, but notice, they will be overshadowed by the bad in all aspects. I mean they covered this situation in Mumbai like it was 9/11 all over again. I just wanted to get news on the weather, or just an overview of what's going on in the world. But noooooo they were stuck on the 'situation' in Mumbai. Real time reporting of constantly changing and unsubstantiated information.

Which brings me to another point, what's up with this 'unsubstantiated' claims? For instance, they will say some bit of info, then say that its from an unsubstantiated source, and the claim hasn't been confirmed... My question is, "If it hasnt been confirmed, then why in the heck are they even reporting on it???" Or are they trying to use a legal loophole and just say whatever they want and automatically erase liability for misinformation by telling people up front that its unsubstantiated. "I was told that the world was going to blow up at 12:59pm tonight." However, it was from an unsubstantiated source.

Whilst the good news seems to get a 'passing' mention the bad is burned into your retinas. Is 'good' news becoming scarce? Or as a friend suggested, are people just more interested in the perils of others? Whatever it is, sometimes listening to/reading the media is just depressing.

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