Saturday, November 22, 2008

Irony, and Apples

Yay, first post. The intent of this blog will be for me to get my thoughts, and rants out there to whomever cares to read them. As well as a place for me to archive my ideas. Now on to the first post and the title of this entry.

Well, today I have had this urge to research the proper use of the word Ironic, as it seems that many people (myself included) misuse this word a LOT. I came across this article that was fairly interesting and gave me a good idea of proper use of irony and a few other words. Presented in no uncertain terms either. So yes it turns out that irony is supposed to be used to describe a situation that has the opposite of its intended effect. Very contrary to the popular usage of the word that makes it almost synonymous with coincidence. Blah, the English language will never be fully understood (or used properly for that matter).

So off we go to Apples, I'm looking forward to purchasing my new macbook pro sometime in the near future. I am torn however, btw the 15inch macbook pro and the 17inch macbook pro. The extra screen real estate isn't a huge deal for me, however, part of me sorta thinks... "Why not?" cost isn't the prohibitive factor and im sure the screen space COULD possibly come in handy. Either way I'm sure that I will be happy with my decision.

1 comment:

Torrential said...

Cost isn't a prohibitive factor for you? Wow...someone must be rich and didn't tell anyone.