Saturday, November 22, 2008

Voting Procedural Reform

Okay now, where to start... as we all know. There is a MAJOR problem with this countries election/voting system. It is a shame when American Idol voting is less tainted than our presidential elections system. I have come up with a potential solution. Receipts. Why not have the voting machine print out a receipt of your candidate choices. This way you have 1. Confirmed your selections. and 2. Have an actual RECORD of your choices. Our current system kind of leaves the voter blind as to what their selections are (yes you pressed the light/button or filled in the circle for xyz candidate) but is that what the machine actually registered? Receipts would be a partial solution to this problem. Any and all thoughts on the matter would be appreciated. Am I on to something here?? Or not so much??

1 comment:

Torrential said...

I think having receipts is a good idea. Would definitely make me feel better after voting. Always seems to be that little nagging voice in the back of your head after voting, saying "Did my vote really go through and if it did, did it go to the right candidate?"

Also a comment on the American Idol voting....don't you recall in the first season, when people had hooked up auto-dialers to call and vote for their people a bunch of times. But yeah, after that issue, I don't really recall any major voting problem. "Ironic" huh?

LOL...I had to use that word. Even if it was used improperly. :)

Now, who's blog is this again...mine or yours. haha