Friday, December 5, 2008

What is it with this "Straight Acting" nonsense?

Ah yes, time for a nice little rant. I was surfing the web earlier and I saw a personals ad for a guy that was advertising that he was "Straight Acting" and looking for the same. This I usually would have just ignored and moved on. But, this time it kinda struck a chord with me. I do not really get the idea of a straight acting gay. Why can't we just be who we are and that's that? Do we really have to ACT a certain way to appease the general population? Does this mean that these so called straight acting people are putting on a show for the public, by not being true to themselves?

What is the deal with this deep rooted problem with people just being who they are. Dammit if your a big nellie queen then be a gawd-damned nellie queen and be PROUD of who you are. I'm sick and tired (more tired than sick though). Of people not being who they are for fear of what others will think or say. When, if you think about it... all the other people that you are worried about are thinking the same thing.

I'm not a 'straight acting' gay, nor would I consider myself two ticks down from a 'disco inferno', I'm just me, and I wouldn't have it any other way. That's how I carry myself. And people respect me for it, and if they dont... well fuck 'em. So, mr. "straight acting" if your supposed to be so damned butch, so masculine, so "secure" (and I use that word lightly). Why in the hell dont you just be YOU and not worry about ACTING straight just not to draw attention to yourself? Just some food for thought...


Torrential said...

Yup, I couldn't agree more. My belief is the guys that are all into the "straight acting" thing, is that they are in the closet and are scared of being found out. These are the same guys, that in a few years from now will claim they are bi and then in a few more years will finally come to the realization that they are in fact gay.

Unknown said...

I actually disagree, to a point. I think the entire idea of a "straight acting" homosexual is flawed. Straights don't act any particular way. They may act in a generalized, stereotypical way by comparison to the majority of people of other sexual orientations, but that's not what we're talking about.

It's literally like saying I'm a "black acting" white man. No, I'm just white man, and how I act in no way defines my race and is in no way determined by my race. Period.

Same principle applies in this case.

So, the simple fact is that there is no such thing as acting straight, because not all straights act the same. Whoever this person was, he's a retard.
