Thursday, October 29, 2009

Is our current U.S. Insurance (Health and Otherwise) system socialism under the guise of capitalism???

So okay, I was listening to the news today, about all the health care talk and such. And how all these people are crying that its socialism and what not being foisted on the American public. It made me think. Isn't the concept of insurance as we know it socialism at its core? I mean, yes you pay a monthly premium each month for your 'own' coverage.

But, where do you think the money comes from that covers you when you get sick and need meds, or go to the hospital? The insurance company kicks in the difference right? Okay so along that same train of thought, where is the insurance company getting their money from (since its not you, your sick remember and your previous payments aren't covering your bills). They are getting their money from other people who AREN'T sick, and AREN'T in the hospital. They are using those people's premiums to pay for YOUR hospital stay and meds. So in essence other people are paying for you AND them, when they pay their premiums.

Yes of course there is profit taking. That's where the capitalism part comes in, the overseers of these insurance companies get their profit for the work that they do (or don't). So really isn't it just a pool of money that is contributed to by many for the benefit of all. Or at least all policy holders from that insurance company. And if this is the case then why would we be so opposed to the government, or maybe some type of non-profit being in charge of it. It would eliminate the overhead of the salaries of these insurance tycoons and leave more money in the pool for actual medical needs.

Those are my thoughts, I welcome any comments or thoughts. Maybe I'm off base here? Maybe I'm right?
